Sunday, January 26, 2020

Efficiency Rationales For Vertical Restraints Economics Essay

Efficiency Rationales For Vertical Restraints Economics Essay INTRODUCTION Competition law history shows that since the early 70s, many economists have developed a more thorough theoretical and empirical knowledge into the workings of vertical restraints. The new theories are often rooted in principal-agent theory, where the supplier is the principal and the distributor is the agent, and vertical contracts are used to align incentives to resolve information asymmetries between the two. (Niels, G, Jenkins, H and Kavanagh, J, 2011). VERTICAL RESTRAINTS In nearly all markets across the world, products are made in different stages and manufacturers do not sell their products directly to the final consumer but via intermediaries, distributors, wholesalers, retailers etc. The treatment of vertical agreements under competition law is different when compared to horizontal agreements. When goods and services are complements, price cuts cause an opposite effect.  [1]  Price cuts by one company will tend to stimulate demand for complementary products. This effect is again an external effect, and the price-cutting company will normally not take it into account. Thus, each firm has an interest in seeing price cuts by suppliers of complementary products. A joint profit-maximizing agreement between complementary firms will then seek to internalize the price externalities and lead to price reduction. This is exactly in the interest of the consumers. As a result, an agreement entered into by providers of complementary products is unlikely to be bad for welfare.  [2]   According to M.Motta (2004) some of the most common examples of vertical restraints are: Non-linear pricing. Quantity discounts Resale Price Maintenance (RPM) Quantity fixing. Exclusivity clauses EFFICIENCY RATIONALES FOR VERTICAL RESTRAINTS It is recognized that vertical restraints promote non-price competition and improved quality of services. When a firm has no or limited market power it will try to increase its gains by optimizing its processes. According to the EU Commission Notice: Guidelines on Vertical Restraints (2000/ C 291/01) In a number of situations vertical restraints may be helpful in this respect since the usual arms length dealings between supplier and buyer, determining only price and quantity of a certain transaction, can lead to a sub-optimal level of investments and sales. In a business environment producers would usually benefit from strong competition among the retailers. Therefore any restrictions imposed must have as a rationale- efficiency motives. The most common pro-competitive explanations are: Elimination of double marginalization: If a product has to go through many intermediaries before reaching the final consumer, the mark-ups imposed by each on top of the costs may result in excessive pricing. Double marginalization problem can be overcome by vertical integration or through vertical agreements (a looser form) as well as by means of some clauses, such as RPM or two-part tariffs. Another important justification revolves around the free rider problem which is of two-types- rival suppliers and rival distributors. Retailers might have low incentive to invest in services, as these are difficult to fully appropriate. Others may free ride on a full-service retailers effort to increase demand. As a result, without restrictive clauses, there will be under-provision of services, to the detriment of consumers. Secondly, in order to increase the demand, producers may be willing to invest in the retailers services such as training etcà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. However, this incentive would be removed by the possibility that other producers enjoy the positive spillover from this investment. Exclusive dealing can counteract this concern. The hold-up problem. When there are client-specific investments to be made by either the supplier or the buyer, such as in special equipment or training. The investor may not commit the necessary investments before particular supply arrangements are fixed. European Commission. Commission Notice: Guidelines on Vertical Restraints. Brussels. SEC (2010) 411. Alleviation of commitment problem: when a manufacturer holds market power and can sell a specific input to more retailers, it cannot credibly commit not to renegotiate the contract once it has already been signed. Due to this, the manufacturer cannot fully enjoy the market power unless some contractual clauses make the commitment credible. Finally, other efficiency motives of vertical restraints exist such as economies of scale in distribution, reduction in transaction costs, capital market imperfections, increasing brand image, uniformity and quality standardization. In essence, the economically sound presumption is that vertical restraints are efficiency-enhancing, may enhance inter-brand competition or foster the relationship-specific investments and help the development of new markets. In addition, vertical restraints may thus result in a reduction in prices, increase in demand and higher consumer welfare effects. INTERBRAND VERSUS INTRABRAND COMPETITION Generally, when there is substantial market power at the level of the supplier or the buyer even if at both levels, vertical agreements will likely to raise competition concern. It is important at this juncture to make explicit the distinction between interbrand and intrabrand competition. Interbrand competition is between suppliers selling different brands of goods of similar kind. This means interbrand competition takes place within the relevant market. On the other hand, intrabrand competition (including price competition) is between retailers selling the same brand of a product. Interbrand competition, rather than intrabrand competition, is the primary focus of antitrust law  [3]  and the correlation between intrabrand and interbrand competition forms the basis for decisions in respect of the lessening of both. The protection of interbrand and intrabrand becomes vital when there is inadequate interbrand competition. In the Research Handbook on International Competition Law 2012, pg 431, (Dobson, Paul W. Waterson, Michael, 2007) stated that in cases where the interbrand competition in the market is not as strong, intrabrand competition might become more important because intrabrand competition can reintroduce the loss of competitive pressure from other brands. Taking into account intrabrand and interbrand competition is important to determine the impact of vertical restraints on competition. In certain scenario, introducing vertical restraints can be a means to dilute competition upstream between manufacturers that do not compete directly face to face but through their retailers. Furthermore, as interbrand and intrabrand rivalry intensifies, all prices (regardless of supply arrangements) fall towards marginal costs. POTENTIAL HARM TO COMPETITION Whish, R and Bailey, D (2012) outlines four possible negative effects arising from vertical restraints under EU law: Anti-competitive foreclosure of other suppliers or buyers by raising barriers to entry. Softening of competition between the supplier and its competitors and/or facilitation of both explicit and tacit collusion, often referred to as a reduction of interbrand competition. Softening of competition between the buyer and its competitors and/or facilitation of collusion, commonly referred to as a reduction of intra-brand competition between distributors of the same brand. The creation of obstacles to market integration. The above negative effects may result from various vertical restraints. The negative effects on competition will be analyzed mainly concentrating on two groups for the purpose of this assignment. Single branding are those agreements which have as their core the inducement of the buyer to concentrate orders for a particular type of product with one supplier. The four main negative effects on competition and interbrand competition are (1) other suppliers in that market cannot sell to the particular buyers and this may lead to foreclosure of the market or, in the case of tying, to foreclosure of the market for the tied product, (2) it makes market shares more rigid and this may help collusion when applied by several suppliers, (3) as far as the distribution of final goods is concerned, the particular retailers will only sell one brand and there will therefore be no interbrand competition on their shops (no in-store competition) (4) in the case of tying ,the buyer may pay a higher price for the tied product. EU Commission Notice: Guidelines on Vertical Restraints (2000/ C 291/01) Limited distribution is those agreements which have as their core that the manufacturer sells to one or a limited number of buyers. There are three main negative effects on competition: (1) certain buyers within that market can no longer buy from that particular supplier, and this may lead in particular in the case of exclusive supply, to foreclosure of the purchase market, (2) when most or all of the competing suppliers limit the number of retailers, this may facilitate collusion, either at the distributors level or at the suppliers level, and (3) since fewer distributors will offer the product it will also lead to a reduction of intra-brand competition. In the case instance of wide exclusive territories or exclusive customer allocation the result may be total elimination of intra-brand competition. This reduction of intra-brand competition can in turn lead to a weakening of interbrand competition. EU Commission Notice: Guidelines on Vertical Restraints (2000/ C 291/01) Entry deterrence: one of the most obvious concerns is represented by the possibility that vertical restrictions are strategically used to deter entry in either level of the chain, by foreclosing access to inputs or to customers and in the long run they can be used to raise significant barriers to entry if competition is not already substantial. Under Bertrand competition, downstream manufacturers can strategically use some vertical clauses to encourage retailers to behave in a less aggressive way and reap a higher profit. Exclusive arrangements are generally worse for competition than non-exclusive arrangements. In essence, the potential for anticompetitive outcomes depends upon factors such as the market power of the firms involved, the presence of a minimum scale to cover fixed costs, the share of downstream market covered by the restraints and the nature of competition downstream. CONCLUSION The fact that vertical agreements are agreements concluded between companies in a vertical relationship suggests that they can often be regarded as positive. However, economic literatures on vertical restraints have shown both pro and anti-competitive effects. Both price and non-price may either increase or decrease economic welfare: the crucial importance is not the restraints used but the context in which it is used and the goal that it is supposed to achieve. The EU Commission has observed that market structure plays an important role in determining the impact of vertical restraints: The fiercer is interbrand competition, the more likely are the pro-competitive and efficiency effects to outweigh any anti-competitive effects of vertical restraints. Anti-competitive effects are only likely where interbrand competition is weak and there are barriers to entry at either producer or distributor level. In addition it is recognised that contracts in the distribution chain reduce transaction costs, and allow the potential efficiencies in distribution to be realised. In contrast, there are cases where vertical restraints raise barriers to entry or further dampen horizontal competition in oligopolistic markets.  [4]   In addition, EU Regulation 2790/1999 recognized the importance of market power in establishing whether or not vertical restraints can have important anti-competitive effects. As per the OECD: Joint Group on Trade and Competition Paper, the efficiency enhancing effect and benefit to consumers from vertical restraints is likely to dominate with the exception of vertical restraints being used to facilitate collusion, it is highly improbable that such restraints will have net anti-competitive effects unless there is either: market power on at least one level in the market or the restraint, either on its own or in concert with other vertical restraints, has the power to exclude or disadvantage a significant number of competitors anti-competitive effects are only likely where interbrand competition is weak and there are barriers to entry, (d) causing foreclosure of competitors. Accordingly, the approach taken by many competition authorities on vertical restraints is a careful case by case analysis. . BIBLIOGRAPHIES/REFERENCES Niels, G, Jenkins, H and Kavanagh, J.: Economics for Competition Lawyers (Oxford University Press, 2011). 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Saturday, January 18, 2020

Modern Living Has Made People Weak, Unhealthy and Disease Prone Essay

Modern living means adopting the western culture, smoking, drinking, eating pizzas and burgers, etc . Working at night times in a BPO or a Call Centre is now a days modern living†¦. people doing night duties don’t get proper sleep and hence leading to sleep disorders . the busy life of people has made them jump to a easier way of living †¦ i. e. , eating the junk or packed food which is full of preservatives . We can see teens and adults smoking in shops, in parties, on roads†¦. It is because of maybe stress or even peer pressure†¦ But smoking reduces 13. 9% of the life†¦.. Isn’t this unhealthy? But modern living makes us obese and also mentally sick as scientifically it is proved that brain automatically relaxes†¦ So the people working in the companies become mentally ill and sick. People have hardly no time for proper exercise and proper food intake. Now a days a walk in the garden has come to a run on the treadmill†¦ You want to go bicycling you go to the gym and that’s the way it goes †¦ exercise is not only for burning fats and carbohydrates but for getting in touch with the fresh morning air which keeps you active the whole day, All the people are trying to turn their simple life into sophisticated living. But people don’t realize that modern living is directly affecting their health. May I ask: Do we have enough time to go for a walk in nature to breathe in clean and fresh air? No, certainly not. The results can be seen in hospitals. Obesity is because of the busy life style which make people to prefer junk foods to save time. I do agree with your point that AC helps us in summer but it reduces CFL which causes holes in the ozone layer which allow the UV rays of the sun to enter the earth and cause skin cancer

Friday, January 10, 2020

Uncommon Article Gives You the Facts on College Application Essay Prompts 2014 Samples That Only a Few People Know Exist

Uncommon Article Gives You the Facts on College Application Essay Prompts 2014 Samples That Only a Few People Know Exist The Definitive Strategy for College Application Essay Prompts 2014 Samples Writing a college application essay can be challenging for you in case you don't follow proper guidelines. Essays are an essential component in the college application procedure. Writing the college application essay can be among the most daunting elements of applying to college. An admissions officer is significantly more likely to keep in mind an applicant who has a rather specific essay written in a distinctive and quirky way. The application essay even supposing it is well written but does not answer the questions will decidedly be rejected however much it can be engaging. These questions should inform your whole college application procedure. Your college counselor can offer valuable insight into how to increase your college application essays, so make sure to find feedback on your drafts whenever possible. When you start to compose your college application essay, think about all the things which make you the person which you are. Many college authorities require that you compose an application essay before getting an admission. If you're applying to a college that doesn't accept the Common App, you will have to answer their particular essay questions. A transcript of all high school work attempted is required along with the GED success. The essay for Florida state university isn't required, but it's highly advisable. Explain your reason behind transferring if you're applying from a four-year institution or a community college outside California. Choose a law and explain why it's so important to you. Write clearly and show colleges how you think and exactly what you will add to the campus. Many college admissions departments wish to understand what your objectives are. So many students believe that they know what colleges want from an applicant, and this may have a big influence above their essays. Some institutions request an essay about a student's choice of a university or career. Where to Find College Application Essay Prompts 2014 Samples You're attempting to show colleges your very best self, therefore it might appear counterintuitive to willingly acknowledge a time you struggled. Colleges are not searching for perfect individuals. Please describe your cultural and community service pursuits and why you opted to participate inside them. The Rutgers application offers multiple opportunities for applicants to spell out their accomplishments, activities, community assistance, and individual experiences. What the college ought to know about my private experience and abilities. Rather than making broad statements about what you would like to do, give certain examples from high school or extracurricular pursuits. The 30-Second Trick for College Application Essay Prompts 2014 Samples The term limit on the essay will stay at 650. With essays similar to this, flow is critical. Bridget's essay is quite strong, but there continue to be a couple little things that could be made better. Stephen's essay is quite effective. Being aware of what you might be asked can help you create a well-formed, interesting essay. Share an essay on any subject of your pick. Therefore, many students and employees decide to acquire affordable essay rather than writing it themselves. Something which is offered, presented, or given as a present. The 30-Second Trick for College Application Essay Prompts 2014 Samples These questions and answers will supply you with direction and guidelines. Two new essay options are added, and a number of the previous questions are revised. Your response shouldn't be a book report. Who knowsthe response to that question may be the foundation for your admission essay. This section consists of two examples of great college essays. So you don't actually need to obtain a topic! Make certain you give clear explanations of the things on your list too.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Zara case operation management - 3739 Words

Case Study Analysis- Zara ABSTRACT This paper is based on case study on operation management and positioning strategy of Zara, one of the world’s fastest growing manufacturers of fashion clothing. Also a world leading fashion retailer brand of Inditex. The case study outlines how Zara transforms from a local clothing retailer it into a global successful brand. It addresses few components in the case study, such as the products and process control and integrate business model used in Zara. The case also reveals the competitive strategies that Zara has opt in order to deal with its local and international customers. The strategies to retain and maintain market share have been explored. Furthermore the financial and business performance of†¦show more content†¦Therefore, they can generate useful and accurate information from mangers and designer’s team can design product that meet customers’ demand. Also, as fashion is a fast forward industry, designer plays an important part of company. Zar a tend to sending designer to other countries to search of new trends. Vertical Integration Business Model: Product Control and design – Total Quality Management Product control is a key factor that helps company to produce a good quality product. Nowadays, lots of businesses choice to outsourcing and manufacturing their products at developing countries due to cheaper labor and greater efficiencies. However, Zara creates vertically integrated business model. Zara make most of fabric and produce by its merchandise in house. This can help Zara to respond quickly to over-changing fashion trends as they have flexible and controllable material within company. Process Design and Control Zara controls every steps of the value chain, only with a longer shelf or fashion life times are outsourced. By owning its in-house production, Zara is able to be flexible in the variety, amount, and frequency of the new styles they produce. Furthermore, Zara use centralized distribution facility, Zara’s internally or externally produced merchandise goes to major distribution center. Technology Incorporation in System Non-of these can be done without advance IT system and software inShow MoreRelatedZar A Critique Of A Business Case Essay1269 Words   |  6 PagesZARA’S OPERATIONS STATEGY, A CRITIQUE OF A BUSINESS CASE. 1.Excecutive summary. Operations management is in regard to all operations within the organization responsible for creating goods and services that organizations pass to their customers. This function is at the heart of all organizations, giving the means of achieving their aims and reason for their existence. These activities include: managing purchases, inventory control, quality control, storage and logistics. A great deal of focus in operationsRead MoreBusiness Analysis Of Zara, The Leading And The Profitable Brand Of Inditex1592 Words   |  7 Pages1. 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