Monday, September 30, 2019

Uncle Tom’s Impact on 19th Century America

For slaves, the passing of the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 ensured their doom in the perpetual cruelty of the slave market. This Act protected the rights of slaveholders, requiring – by law – that all slaves who escaped to the North be returned to their original owners. This action by the United States government contributed significantly to the novel Uncle Tom’s Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe. The novel was the first of its kind to express and fully embrace the idea that slavery should not be condoned. At the time this text was published, many Northerners took the pacifist approach by simply accepting the idea that â€Å"one person couldn’t change anything†, like St. Clare in the novel. Once this book was introduced to the Northern population, not only did it sell like hot cakes, but also it opened citizens’ eyes to the actual horrors occurring in the South, and under their same Constitution. They saw that merciless slave owners and continuous beatings left slaves with little hope and little faith. The sympathetic portrayal of slaves throughout the South lead many Northerners to side with the extreme abolitionists, which would soon create further tensions among the North and the South and eventually cause the friction prompting Southern states to secede and begin the Civil War. This progression of events inspired Abraham Lincoln’s famous quote to Harriet Beecher Stowe when he met her, â€Å"So you’re the little woman who wrote the book that caused this great war? † Although the original intent of this novel was to educate the unaware masses, Stowe fell into some stereotypes of black men. When â€Å"Black Sam† received the order from Mrs. Shelby to slow down the retrieval of Eliza so that she may escape, it is clear that he does not care whether Eliza gets to freedom, but is purely interested in whether, if he succeeds, he can take over the spot of â€Å"trusted slave† that Tom filled. Stowe basically describes him as the â€Å"comic† black figure. A â€Å"comic† black figure is drawn into the book for the amusement of the white audience, which, in itself is a horrifying thought. This portrayal shows him grinning dumbly and failing to use large words correctly. He also is screeching in broad dialect and â€Å"seems ready to break into an comic dance†. It seems as if, especially with the inclusion of the cartoon, Stowe was playing into overdrawn racial stereotypes of the day, and implying that only some slaves had the capacity to function normally in society while others could not. Although Stowe mocks Haley (the slave catcher and seller) in this chapter, it seems as if the representation of the average slave undermines the positive image she is attempting to draw for slaves such as Uncle Tom, Eliza and George Harris. Some points made in the novel were ironic to me. I thought it was interesting how being a â€Å"white n—-â€Å" was something undesirable in the slave community. When a large slave comes up to Adolph and said â€Å"Law, now, boys! dis yer's one o' yer white n—–s, — kind o' cream color, ye know, scented! † The situation slaves were put them made them resent white people to such a degree that it was terrible to be a â€Å"white n—–â€Å". It is ironic also that they themselves used the term â€Å"white† with the derogatory term â€Å"nigger† to insult someone n their own community. One might have thought – given the ability whites had to roam free and easily – that being white was a good thing. Of course, being called â€Å"white† had more to do with the fact that these slaves associated â€Å"white n—-â€Å" as a portrayal of their oppressor, and by calling one of their own a â€Å"white n – – – – â€Å" they were lashing out at their oppressors and anyone who tried to emulate them. The idea of a â€Å"white n—-â€Å" also brings to mind how close these slaves are to their owners making the reader question â€Å"How different are these people that they can be considered property while I can be considered free? † No Doubt Uncle Tom’s Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe had the power to turn average, every day, on the fence Americans into full-fledged abolitionists. Stowe was able to accomplish this by relating the oppressed slaves to people in every day life, whether it was through Eliza’s attachment to her son, or Tom’s embrace religion in the toughest of times. Stowe also shows that a girl who grew up in the heart of the South could show compassion for people she was raised to believe were so beneath her and so horrid. Her strength and faith – and her recognition that the key was to see slaves as people – also influenced those around her. Stowe’s fictional tale of Uncle Tom not only touched the heart of Northerners, it also touched Southerners, and – most importantly – it contributed to the commencement of a great civil war; one that would end with the emancipation of slaves everywhere.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Cash Cropping in Nepal Essay

On an individual crop basis, tomatoes and potatoes were the most increasing, sensitivity analysis and scenarios suggest high variability and limited short-term impact on poverty alleviation. Profitable. On a per farm basis, 50% of the households with positive farm gross margins grew at least one vegetable crop, while only 25% of households with negative farm gross margins included vegetable crops in their rotation. Farmers have been hesitant to produce primarily for the market given the rudimentary infrastructure and high variability in prices. Farmers reported selling more crops, but when corrected for inflation, gross revenues declined over time. The costs and benefits of developing markets have been unevenly distributed with small holders unable to capitalize on market opportunities and wealthier farmers engaging in input intensive cash cropping. Farms growing vegetables had an average gross margin of US$137 per year compared to US$12 per year for farms growing only staple crops. However, the area under production is small and, while vegetable production is likely to continue Key words: Agriculture, Cash crops, Gross margin, Household economics, Market inequity, Poverty Introduction Cash cropping has been promoted by development specialists as a mechanism to alleviate rural poverty in countries such as Nepal. Programs have capitalized on existing transportation networks, the proximity to urban centers or niche markets (Panday, 1992). But there are concerns that agricultural commercialization by-passes the poor. The cash and land quality requirements of capital intensive farming may limit the capacity of poorer farmers to invest, while the risks associated with yield and price variability may limit their willingness to participate in commercial productionBoth the Agricultural Perspective Plan (APROSC, 1995) and the ninth National Plan (GON, 1998) of Nepal promote the intensification of agriculture and increased cash crop production. In the Mid-hills of Nepal near Kathmandu, potato and tomato production have increased dramatically in the last 10 years (Brown and Shrestha, 2000). But, vegetable production is demanding of soil, water, and human resources. A systematic assessment of cash cropping is required to determine the impact on household well-being. The aims of this paper are five-fold: 1) to determine the relative profitability of vegetable production in the Mid- hills of Nepal;2) to assess the economic impact of incorporating vegetables into the dominant cropping patterns; 3) to analyze the variability between households; 4) to assess the impact of fluctuations in price; and 5) to evaluate temporal changes in household well-being with the incorporation of vegetableproduction. Methods The relative profitability of agricultural production between farms provides a mechanism to compare the economic status of farming households with diversified cropping systems. An indication of the profitability of each farm can be obtained by computing gross margins, defined as total returns less total variable costs. Total returns are equal to the value of all crops produced (including crop residues), irrespective of whether the crop is sold. Total variable costs include: the purchase of seed, fertilizer, and pesticides; hiring oxen; and all labor involved in cultivation activities. Labor includes the time spent in planting, irrigation, fertilizing, spraying, weeding, harvesting and transportation and selling and includes the opportunity cost of family labor. The gross margin can thus be viewed as the return to fixed costs (land and livestock) and management. Gross margin analysis, in this context, focuses on production or income with respect to agriculture. As it does not take into account the time value of money, gross margins are not sensitive to interest rates, and are a good first approximation of financial feasibility.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

What Went Wrong for eastman Kodak Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

What Went Wrong for eastman Kodak - Essay Example Thirdly, Kodak was unable to make the new digital technology to fit coherently with its other capabilities as a core competency. In the subsequent paragraphs in this discussion, Kodak’s approach in these three strategies is compared with IBM’s in order to highlight the ultimate failure of the former and the success of the latter. Kodak rise to dominance in the imaging industry was characterised by it use of a razor-edged strategy. This strategy was implemented by selling cameras at a very low cost, and earning profits from the sale of expensive films. The high margins on film fuelled the company’s profitability and growth to the extent that the company became too dependent on its film business. The problem with this is that the company concentrated on acquiring core competencies on film technologies while it continued to pay less attention to equipment. In spite of pioneering in the field of digital cameras, the company discarded the idea of pursuing future compe titive advantages in that field because of the fear that this would cannibalise its film business (Nate, 2012). According to the resource-based view of strategy, firms that have superior systems and structures are profitable not because they engage in strategic investments that may deter entry and raise prices above long-run costs, but because they have markedly lower costs, or offer markedly higher quality or product performance. However, this strategy is often not enough to sustain significant competitive advantage for long. According to Teece, Pisano and Shuen (1997), winners in the global marketplace have been firms that can demonstrate timely responsiveness and rapid and flexible product innovation, coupled with the management capability to effectively coordinate and redeploy internal and external competences. Kodak’s failure arose from its management’s comfort with its present huge resources and core competencies which prevented them from developing dynamic c apabilities. In 2011 IBM marked its 100 year milestone. As two centenarians, it would be appropriate to compare IBM’s continued success against Kodak’s demise. IBM, like Kodak, has faced the full force of disruptive change on its core business as faster, cheaper and nimbler competitors rapidly ate away its market leadership. In the early 80s IBM introduced the IBM PC that created the first truly mass market for the personal computer (Koehn, 2011). However, within a decade IBM had fallen behind in this market that it had created so much that in the 1992 financial year the company recorded a US$8.10 billion loss (Denning, 2011). Knowing customers intimately In the early 90s when IBM was performing its worst the financial analysts believed the company’s best bet for survival was to break it up and sell it. However, the newly appointed CEO Lou Gerstner overcame that pressure and instead focused on interacting with customers and industry experts in order to under stand IBM’s value-proposition from the customer/market perspective. This exercise enabled the new CEO to identify IBM’s greatest strength to be its ability to provide customer with integrated solutions. As such the organization dropped the earlier desire to split the company. Splitting IBM would have destroyed its unique competitive advantage. Armed with this knowledge Lou Gestner changed IBM strategy to be an enterprise that could understand and provide its customers wide-ranging IT needs. Today, IBM’s Global Services provides the largest share of the company’s revenue (Koehn, 2011). On the other hand, Kodak acted as if it were not affected when Sony introduced the Mavica digital camera.

Friday, September 27, 2019

A Child of Two Worlds Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

A Child of Two Worlds - Essay Example Three key things that I have considered within me whenever am faced with this challenge and these are my physical appearance, family as well as personal values and the place where I am situated at that moment. I must admit that in the past I used to irritated, distressed, anxious and confused whenever such question was about to emerge either from me or from those I was interacting with. My high school life has had a number of challenges especially emerging from my fellow classmates who have formed a negative opinion of me due to my mixed race status. Some are due to their envy as well as their inability to appreciate themselves. They have less information on what it means to belong to the mixed race. This has made me to particularly hate my high school and on many occasions, I have had to come up with a number of excuses so as not to go to school. I remember one day when I had to fake sickness for a whole week so as to avoid going to that school. I must admit that the journey towards acceptance and self-realisation has not been easy and a number of factors have served to make it less easy. However, my family has been of great assistance in this journey as they have helped me to accept myself through several initiatives. My parents have treated me with equality from both sides and I have never been under pressure to conform to one side of the race I really appreciate my parents as they have never dictated to use the people we need to associate with or keep away from. When I tend to identify with Whites, my mother seem less concerned neither is my dad when I associate closely with those of the Asian descent. One cannot change those around them but can change the perception that they have of themselves. I have therefore come to the point of personal acceptance irrespective of the views of those around me. I firmly believe that achieving my personal goals and visions in life is not based on my race but is on the perception that I form of myself.  Ã‚  

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Creating, Financing, and Marketing a Business Essay - 2

Creating, Financing, and Marketing a Business - Essay Example A second downfall of partnerships is that total profits are shared among the different partners of the business. Finding the right partner is imperative towards the success of a partnership. 2. Discuss funding options for small businesses. Entrepreneurs have various options to fund their business. The business structure of the company affects the alternatives of the business to raise capital. Sole proprietorship can raise capital by investing the personal wealth of the owner. The business can also obtain money by borrowing funds from the bank or other lending institution. A single owner that wants to raise more money for the business can do so by finding an equity partner. A partner can invest money in exchange for participation in the business. When a business grows the company has higher needs for capital. A business structure that is extremely effective at raising capital is public corporations. A company becomes public after undergoing an IPO process. All public companies must be registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Public companies can raise money by selling common stocks in the open market. Firms have to option to sell common and preferred stocks. Common stocks have voting rights, while preferred stocks do not have voting rights but they have guaranteed dividend payments. A second way for public companies to raise money is through the sale of commercial paper. Corporations can sell bonds in the open market to raise money. 3. Determine and discuss how managerial accounting can help managers with product costing, incremental analysis, and budgeting. Unlike financial accounting which focuses on providing precise, relevant and historical accounting information to stockholders, creditors and others who are outside the organization; managerial accounting focuses on providing information to managers who directly control its day to day operations. Managerial accounting helps managers perform their three essential activities: planning, dir ecting and motivating, and controlling. To plan correctly a manager will use cost accounting information to determine all the necessary materials and resources in order to manufacture and assemble a specific product. Without the specific accounting data regarding manufacturing processes, labor costs, materials, and overhead expenditures for a product line it would be very difficult for a manager to determine the real costs of production and a fair allocation of overhead costs for a specific product or service. Managers utilize cost-volume profit analysis as one of the most important tools managerial accountants have in their arsenal. It helps managers understand the interrelationship between price or costs, volume, variable unit costs, fixed costs and how the mix of products affects the overall business. CVP information can help a manager determine which products to manufacture, product costs, pricing decisions, and which specific products and what amounts to produce to include in t he product mix. Incremental analysis can also be performed by managers which will consider only those items of revenue, costs and volume directly related to the new product or service and how the overall profitability of the firm will be affected specifically by those product changes. Without the managerial accoun

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Consumer law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Consumer law - Essay Example The White Paper policy was formulated to minimise differences in manners of purchase.1 These remedies are discussed below. Right to Reject the Goods When a consumer discovers that the goods hired or purchased from a retailer do not match the description given, or are unfit for purpose intended for, or are not of merchantable quality, they are entitled to reject them and thus terminate the contract. With the contract terminated, they will not be under an obligation to pay for the goods as previously provided by the contract. This right will not be available where the purchase or hiring is within the course of business and the defect is so insignificant that rejecting the goods would be unreasonable. This remedy is available if the defect is noticed within six years from the time of purchase2 and it is shown that the fault has not been caused by ordinary wear or tear or through misuse by the purchaser. Within the first six months, it is for the retailer to prove that the goods in quest ion were not inherently defective. After the six months the burden shifts to the consumer to prove that the goods were defective when they were sold. ... Acceptance is deemed to have taken place when the consumer expressly states that they have accepted the good, when they alter the goods or when they continue to keep the goods for a reasonable duration of time3. Courts’ decisions on what amounts to a reasonable period of time provide varied answers. In the case of Bernstein V Pamson Motors (Golders Green) Ltd4, where the consumer was held to have accepted the car by keeping it for less than four weeks after purchasing it. In contrast, in Bowes V Richardson & Son Ltd5, it was held that the consumer had the right to reject the car even after keeping it for seven months after purchase. The consumer will lose his right to complain of the faultiness of the goods if he purchased the goods more than 6 years ago. They will also not be entitled to complain where they knew the goods to have been defective at the time of sale after it was pointed out to them. Even where the defect was not pointed out to them but the consumer had them exa mined by an independent party and the defect was manifestly visible or should have been discovered from a proper examination of the goods, he will still have no legitimate right to complain about the defect. Also, they will not be entitled to complain if at the time of sale the retailer came out clean and confessed that they were unsure of the suitability of the goods for purpose. When a consumer purchases second hand goods, he still has the right to a product that is fully useable and undamaged and can return the goods if they are found not to be useable. When the consumer knowingly purchases a defective item, even though they cannot return the item on the basis of that particular defect, they can still return the item if

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Financial Accounting Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Financial Accounting - Assignment Example According to the financial indicators, it can be determined that returns on assets and fixed assets of the company have eventually decline during the period. This reflects that company remains inefficient to utilize it assets and fixed assets. the financial information of the company depicts that the 2008 had the highest asset and fixed assets turnover. On the other hand, 2012 is noted to have the lowest assets turnover. Though the profits of the company during the period have increased, this reflects that the company’s has high turnovers on equities. The company remains more efficient in utilizing its equities, rather than its assets. It can also be determined that the company has been more inclined to increase its assets, but its utilization has remained inefficient. Analyzing the financial indictors of the company, it can be concluded the overall profitability of the company has eventually increased, whereas the assets turnover of the company depicts a declining trends duri ng the period. This means that much of the company’s assets remain unutilized, therefore the management shall take appropriate measures to utilize its assets, which shall eventually contribute to the profit margins of the

Monday, September 23, 2019

Weegee Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Weegee - Research Paper Example He was given the name Weegee in the photography world because he was constantly the first person to be present on the scene to capture the moments. His photographic career started when he and his family migrated to New York in 1910, where he began to work as a tintype operator and itinerant photographer. Weegee also worked as a busboy, dishwasher, and candy mixer before reaching popularity in the photography world by having a steady job in Acme News Pictures (United Press International Photos). Aside from his crime shots, Weegee also loves to portray the beauty and worst among places and people as reflected on his book The Village (Fodiman and Burnside, 211). His love and passion for photography is truly remarkable and he chose to live with the films of the camera rather than starting his own family until his death in 1968. Style is something that makes a person, an art, or a creation different from one another (Warren, 184). Like Weegee, majority of the photographers may have stories to tell but they might differ on their personal way of incorporating materials, techniques, and visual designs in their chosen photographs. Often, the colored photographs reflect more realistic dimension or representation of the subject rather than the black-and-white photographs. However, Weegee has broken the theoretical notion of photography as his black-and-white photographs of crime scenes also reflect a reality of action and emotion. Weegee’s crime shots, based on purpose, is a documentary photograph in nature. As we have learned, Weegee captured moments of accident or fire incidents. Photographs did not only relay the nature of the incidents but also gave information of the incidents even in black-and-white. These have enriched Weegee’s pictures with stories, meaning, and personal dimension. After critiquing the purpose, let us move on to the technical or artistic dimension of Weegee’s photographs. As we have learned, Weegee

Sunday, September 22, 2019

British Author Research Paper Essay Example for Free

British Author Research Paper Essay Lord Bryon once said, â€Å"Fools are my theme, let satire be my song†. A satire is a literary composition, in verse or prose, in which human folly and vice are held up to scorn, derision,or ridicule ( A well recognized satire is George Orwell’s Animal Farm. Orwell wrote this allegorical novella in England when the wartime alliance with the Soviet Union was at its height and Stalin was held in highest esteem in Britain both among the people and government. George Orwell wrote Animal Farm to fuse political purpose and artistic purpose into one whole, thus addressing the downfall of the Russian Revolution which was caused by its corrupt leaders and ignorant citizens. George Orwell was born Eric Arthur Blair. He was born on June 25th 1903 in Bengal, India to a British colonial civil servant. About a year after his birth, Orwell was brought back to England by his mother along with his older sister. He began writing poems at the age of four, ultimately getting one of his poems published in a local newspaper. In 1911 he went to St. Cyprians, on a partial scholarship, in the coastal town of Eastbourne, where he got his first taste of Englands class system. There he began to read the works of Rudyard Kipling and H. G. Wells. He was exceptionally intelligent that he received a scholarship to study at Eton college. After graduating, Orwell joined the India Imperial Police Force in 1922. After five years, he resigned his post and returned to England. He wanted to try his luck as a writer. He would spend his time between England and Paris, thus writing his first major work Down and Out in Paris and London. He felt that it would embarrass his family, so he published it under the pseudonym George Orwell. He was not successful and began to take up any job offer just to make ends meet. He later published Burmese Days, which offered a dark look at British colonialism in Burma, then part of the countrys Indian empire. Orwells interest in political matters grew rapidly after this novel was published. In 1937, Orwell traveled to Spain, where he joined one of the groups fighting against General Francisco Franco in the Spanish Civil War. He was injured and left back for England. For years, Orwell had periods of sickness, and he was officially diagnosed with tuberculosis in 1938. Later, he landed a job with the BBC as a producer and in 1943 he became the literary editor for a socialist newspaper. Orwell is best known for two novels, Animal Farm and Nineteen Eighty-Four, both of which were published toward the end of his life. Animal Farm was published in 1945 and Nineteen Eighty-Four was published in 1949. Orwell, however, was not able to enjoy his success due to his battle with tuberculosis. He died on January 21, 1950, in a London hospital. England is a country that is part of the United Kingdom. It shares land borders with Scotland to the north and Wales to the west; the Irish Sea is to the north west, the Celtic Sea to the south west, while the North Sea to the east and the English Channel to the south separate it from continental Europe. It has a population of 53,013,000 inhabitants. The official language is British English. Christianity is the most widely practised religion in England. The major form of Christianity practised is Anglicanism. English folklore is big part of English Culture. Some of the characters and stories are present across England, but most belong to specific regions. Common folkloric beings include pixies, giants, elves, bogeymen, trolls, goblins and dwarves. Since the Early Modern Period the food of England has historically been characterised by its simplicity of approach and a reliance on the high quality of natural produce. Traditional examples of English food include the Sunday roast, featuring a roasted joint served with assorted vegetables, Yorkshire pudding, stuffing and gravy. Other prominent meals include fish and chips and the full English breakfast. Various meat pies and sausages are consumed by the British. Lancashire hotpot is a well known stew. Frequently consumed alcoholic drinks include wines, ciders and English beers, such as bitter, mild, stout, and brown ale. England has a strong sporting heritage, and during the 19th century codified many sports that are now played around the world. Sports originating in England include association football, cricket, and rugby. The basic political system in England is a constitutional monarchy and parliamentary system. Today England is governed directly by the Parliament of the United Kingdom. The monarch is Queen Elizabeth II and the prime minister is David Cameron MP. Animal Farm was published by Orwell on August 17th , 1945. This novel shows how potential ignorance and indifference to problems within a revolution could allow horrors to happen if a smooth transition to a peoples government is not achieved. The novel starts out with Old Major, a prize-winning boar, gathers the animals of the Manor Farm for a meeting in the big barn. He tells them of a dream he has had in which all animals live together with no human beings to oppress or control them. He tells the animals that they must work toward such a paradise and teaches them a song called â€Å"Beasts of England,† in which his dream vision is lyrically described. The animals greet Major’s vision with great enthusiasm. When he dies only three nights after the meeting, three younger pigs—Snowball, Napoleon, and Squealer—formulate his main principles into a philosophy called Animalism. Late one night, the animals manage to defeat the farmer Mr. Jones in a battle, running him off the land. They rename the property Animal Farm and dedicate themselves to achieving Major’s dream. At first, Animal Farm prospers. Snowball works at teaching the animals to read, and Napoleon takes a group of young puppies to educate them in the principles of Animalism. As time passes, however, Napoleon and Snowball increasingly quibble over the future of the farm, and they begin to struggle with each other for power and influence among the other animals. After chasing Snowball away, Napoleon assumes leadership of Animal Farm and declares that there will be no more meetings. From that point on, he asserts, the pigs alone will make all of the decisions—for the good of every animal. Napoleon orders the animals to construct a windmill, and the animals devote their efforts to completing it. One day, after a storm, the animals find the windmill toppled. Napoleon claims that Snowball returned to the farm to sabotage the windmill. He uses this as an excuse to rid the farm of various animals who have allegedly participated in Snowball’s great conspiracy by giving them instant death at the teeth of the attack dogs. With his leadership unquestioned, Napoleon begins expanding his powers, rewriting history to make Snowball a villain. Napoleon also begins to act more and more like a human being by sleeping in a bed, drinking whisky, and engaging in trade with neighboring farmers. The original Animalist principles strictly forbade such activities, but Squealer justifies every action to the other animals, convincing them that Napoleon is a great leader and is making things better for everyone even though the other animals are cold, hungry, and overworked. Mr. Frederick, a neighboring farmer, cheats Napoleon in the purchase of some timber and then attacks the farm and dynamites the windmill, which had been rebuilt at great expense. After the demolition of the windmill, a pitched battle ensues. Napoleon then sells his most loyal and long-suffering worker, Boxer, to a glue maker in order to get money for whisky. Years pass on Animal Farm, and the pigs become more and more like human being by walking upright, carrying whips, and wearing clothes. Eventually, the seven principles of Animalism, known as the Seven Commandments and inscribed on the side of the barn, become reduced to a single principle reading â€Å"all animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.† Napoleon entertains a human farmer named Mr. Pilkington at a dinner and declares his intent to ally himself with the human farmers against the laboring classes of both the human and animal communities. He also changes the name of Animal Farm back to the Manor Farm, claiming that this title is the â€Å"correct† one. Looking in at the party of elites through the farmhouse window, the common animals can no longer tell which are the pigs and which are the human beings. The story is meant to symbolize the downfall of the Russian Revolution and the corruption of Stalin. Old Major represents Karl Marx, as he originated Communism, hence Animalism. Napoleon represents Joseph Stalin, while Snowball represents Leon Trotsky. The attack dogs represent the Red Army, while Boxer represents the soviet workers. The rise of Stalin after the Russian Revolution inspired Orwell to write Animal Farm. It is satire on equality, where all barnyard animals live free from their human masters tyranny. Inspired to rebel by Major, an old boar, animals on Mr. Jones Manor Farm embrace Animalism and stage a revolution to achieve an idealistic state of justice and progress. A power-hungry pig, Napoleon, becomes a totalitarian dictator who leads the Animal Farm into All Animals Are Equal / But Some Are More Equal Than Others oppression. As an English author, Orwell traditionally used fictional characters to represent actual humans. The novel is an exceptional work of satire and meets its purpose of portraying the truth about the Soviet Union and turning point of the Russian Revolution.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

How Cleanliness Affects the Life of an Individual Essay Example for Free

How Cleanliness Affects the Life of an Individual Essay The significance of cleanliness and hygiene cannot be overlooked by any society. Every faith and civilisation stresses the importance of cleanliness. Historically, cleanliness has been considered one of the important factors by which to judge a civilisation’s or society’s development. Islam places great emphasis on cleanliness and purity, both physically and spiritually. In Islam, spiritual purity is linked to physical cleanliness and purity. More impor tantly, cleanliness is termed an indispensable fundamental of faith. However, this fundamental and powerful tenet of our faith, unfortunately, is not reflected in our society practically. Serious reflection is required on our individual as well as collective practices in order to make this valuable principle of Islam part of our lives. There are many verses in the Holy Quran which reflect the importance of cleanliness. For example, Allah says â€Å"†¦Truly, Allah loves those who turn to Him constantly and He loves those who keep themselves pure and clean† (2:222). In the Quran worship and seeking Allah’s love is conditioned with cleanliness and purity as the Holy Book says â€Å"†¦In it [mosque] are men who love to clean and to purify themselves. And Allah loves those who make themselves clean and pure† (9:108). Furthermore, in one of his sayings the Holy Prophet (PBUH) has termed cleanliness as half of faith. The above few examples from the Holy Quran and sayings of the Holy Prophet reveal that without cleanliness of our body and environment, one cannot receive the proximity of Allah spiritually and most importantly, faith cannot be completed in the absence of cleanliness and purity. Much is said rhetorically about cleanliness in our society but practically its application is missing. A quick observation can reveal how insensitive a culture we have developed regarding cleanliness and hygiene. Throwing garbage in the streets, roads or parks has become a common practice in our society. In public places dustbins are seldom found. Even if dustbins are installed, people do not use them properly. Rather, they prefer to throw garbage outside them. It is also observed that people clean their homes and shops and throw the garbage on the street without considering its implications. It is evident that even students of elite schools throw garbage on the ground even in the presence of garbage bins. This shows our attitude towards cleanliness and hygiene. Another habit that is commonly found in our society is spitting openly. People spit paan from running vehicles without considering the pedestrians walking on the road. This practice not only affects the environment but is also an eyesore. Another area that needs consideration is the horrible condition of public toilets. The shortage of public toilets is a big challenge, hence people are compelled to use open spaces to answer the call of nature. The toilets that do exist are in such pathetic condition that one cannot use them. There are many other examples which can be cited to indicate the pathetic condition of cleanliness and hygiene in our society. Hence, conscious efforts are needed to tackle this issue. There is a dire need to educate and sensitise people about the importance of cleanliness in light of our faith. In this regard social institutions such as educational institutions, the media and religious institutions can play a vital role. It is essential to provide civic education in order to train the younger generations of a society. In Pakistan, the education system needs to transform its practices. Teaching and learning material regarding cleanliness and hygiene should be included in the curriculum and textbooks. Educational institutions should demonstrate cleanliness in their premises. To train young people schools should involve students in cleaning their schools, homes and environment and highlight proper sanitary practices. The use of dustbins should be strictly followed in the school premises. Secondly, the media can be a powerful source to educate and sensitise the masses about the importance of cleanliness and disadvantages of an unhygienic way of life. It should focus on both the good as well as unhygienic practices in our society. Thirdly, religious institutions such as mosques and madressahs can also play their part in educating the people about the importance of cleanliness in the light of Islamic teachings. Furthermore, the role and commitment of the government cannot be overlooked in maintaining cleanliness and hygiene in society. The government’s will is very crucial in making policies and implementing them at the grass-roots level. The government can play an important role in cleaning areas, installing dustbins, collecting garbage and enforcing laws against littering etc. The importance of cleanliness cannot be ignored in individual as well as communal life. On one hand it is an important factor for human health and spiritual development; on the other hand it is essential for environmental development. By adopting a clean and hygienic lifestyle, a valuable amount can also be saved where health issues are concerned. A clean and healthy life helps in refining the culture of a society and reflects in every aspect of life such as art, architecture, food, music and so on. Ultimately, it leads towards a higher level of civilisation. Islam has put unique emphasis on the importance of cleanliness by making it a part of faith. Hence, there is a dire need to make conscious efforts in educating the people about the importance of cleanliness. In this regard, serious steps are required at multiple levels to make this precious value of our faith part of our individual and collective lives. Cleanliness  is both the  abstract  state of being clean and free from  dirt, and the process of achieving and maintaining that state. Cleanliness may be endowed with a moral quality, as indicated by the  aphorism  cleanliness is next to  godliness,[1]  and may be regarded as contributing to other ideals such as  health  andbeauty. In emphasizing an ongoing procedure or set of habits for the purpose of maintenance and prevention, the concept of cleanliness differs from  purity[disambiguation needed], which is a physical, moral, or ritual state of freedom from pollutants. Whereas purity is usually a quality of an individual or substance, cleanliness has a social dimension, or implies a system of interactions. [2]  Cleanliness, observed  Jacob Burckhardt, is indispensable to our modern notion of social perfection. [3]  A household or workplace may be said to exhibit cleanliness, but not ordinarily purity; cleanliness also would be a characteristic of the people who maintain cleanness or prevent dirtying. On a practical level, cleanliness is thus related to  hygiene  and disease prevention. Washing  is one way of achieving physical cleanliness, usually with  water  and often some kind of  soap  ordetergent. Procedures of cleanliness are of utmost importance in many forms of manufacturing. As an assertion of moral superiority or respectability, cleanliness has played a role in establishing cultural values in relation to  social class,  humanitarianism, and  cultural imperialism.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Cyclic Nature Of Language English Language Essay

Cyclic Nature Of Language English Language Essay This task comes under the prescribed Part 1 Language and Cultural context. The topic I have chosen is Cyclic nature of language. This topic is related to the Part 1 of English as it deals with change of the English Language which influences all the cultures throughout the world since the beginning of time. Language in itself has been evolving over the centuries. I have gone about this task in such a way that it shows the difference in the way of communication (through language) since the beginning of time to the language that has come to be in the present day. It shows the evolution of communication from gestures to emergence of language to change in language itself and then back to gestures and visual representations. This change is shown through examples like (change in form of asking someone to keep quiet) shhh à ¢Ã¢â‚¬  Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ hist à ¢Ã¢â‚¬  Ã¢â‚¬â„¢could you please remain silent? à ¢Ã¢â‚¬  Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ Keep quiet à ¢Ã¢â‚¬  Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ shut up à ¢Ã¢â‚¬  Ã¢â‚¬â„¢shhh à ¢Ã¢â‚¬  Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ :-X. The aim of this task is to bring out the possibility of the claim that language is cyclic in nature. This is also a personal opinion hence I have chosen a blog form to express myself freely while using an informal approach. Also this enables me to put across my opinion among a varied range of audience who might be able to access this when in the form of blog. The blog helps my text to be conveyed in a generic form and audience as intended. Language came into existence in order for humans to communicate. This can be said for any form of language. It began from grunts, sign language and gestures in the 6000BC and evolved into the defined universal form of language which we speak in the present day. We still speak in gestures, only along with language too. After all actions speak louder than words. When angry we still wave our hands about or make offensive gestures, when happy a smile is intact on our face, when we feel compassionate we hug, kiss or embrace, when despising someone we either glare or make a face.  [1]  To communicate or send a message across we usually end up gesturing rather than only use words. According to me gestures are a way better means of expression or communication than words of a language as it is more universal, innate and natural. Not all gestures have evolved over the years like language has. Some gestures come naturally to everyone. If worried or deep in thought one involuntarily frowns. However lately it is seen language is deteriorating quite in the literal sense. Here is an example to show the deterioration of language over the past few centuries- Dost thou feel melancholic? (18th century) Is it sad that you feel? (19th century) Are you unhappy? (20th century) R u Ã…’? (21st century) Above is a simple example of how the language has evolved over the past centuries with the meaning still intact. Yes, a chap from the 19th century will only be able to guess at the most, what the emoticon  Ã…’ conveys. If anything, he will be surprised at the lack of words used when enquiring after someones well being. Whereas, a 21st century dude will only ever use words like thou and melancholic as a joke. It is quite evident how inappropriate using either kind of language in either century would be. Linguists and literature lovers cringe over the language used today. Authors from the earlier centuries might roll in their graves at the new meanings of same words used earlier. However evolution of language is inevitable and necessary too. Whether for the good or the bad, it differs from person to person depending on their perception. On one hand a literature lover might revel in the fancy and articulate language used earlier and despise the brief and hasty way the language has turned into in the present day. On the other hand, a 21st century, text savvy teenager might appreciate the usage of language in the earlier centuries and consider it a part of the lush history of literature but will be more comfortable using the abbreviated form of language these days. Also it is very important to note that the changes noted in the form of communication are in the form of letters in the olden days and texts now a days. Earlier, communication was slow and less frequent. Yet it was important and more efficient for the letters to be long and expressive. Whereas in the present day not only communication is extremely quick and efficient, meeting someone is also very easy. Hence in the era where texting and video calling is possible and it is almost like communicating with the person face to face, one doesnt feel the need to be overly expressive and long. Being brief does the task. Earlier it might be considered rude to be curt and short but now being long in your sentences in informal communication (where being short is perfectly fine) might make you look like a literary snob. In a way it is quite efficient as, even though the sentences are short it gets the point through. Either way it is seen how sentences have become shorter, words abbreviated, certain words for emotions all together turned into emoticons, gestures conveyed through words turned into visual gestures, tone conveyed by exclamations. Example Thou à ¢Ã¢â‚¬  Ã¢â‚¬â„¢you à ¢Ã¢â‚¬  Ã¢â‚¬â„¢u Sad  Ã…’ I love you I à ¢Ã¢â€ž ¢Ã‚ ¥ U What? ?!!!! It is obvious from the above to the extent to which language is literally deteriorating. One could claim how language is cyclic in nature. It started from grunts and gestures and went through the phase of development of language to emergence of different languages and then evolution of words in language to abbreviation to conversion of words into visual gestures altogether. Are we going back in time? Are we becoming barbaric and unrefined? Does it matter? Does it matter that the English language is deteriorating? Because is not the primal use of a language to communicate? If the other person understands what you are trying to say to the same extent that you mean it, then does it actually matter how language changes? Moreover, I think when you personalize it, it defines you more, gives what you are saying more meaning if anything. My opinion is my own and it is not my intention to offend anybody whose opinion differs from mine. Yes I still acknowledge the fact that it is important to speak right if not, change of language would not mean evolution but just mere slothfulness and ignorance of one to learn a language properly. If that were to be entertained, not a single person would understand another without a manual on their own kind of language. Yet an efficient and meaningful change should not be dismissed simply but acknowledged and embraced as the time changes too.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Mass Production :: Economics

Mass Production Mass production is the manufacture of products of uniform quality in large quantities using a standardised mechanical process or assembly line. After a short post-war depression, the American economy grew rapidly in the early 1920s. By 1926, the standard of living in the USA was the highest it had ever been in the country's history and America was officially the richest nation in the world. Natural resources such as oil were abundant and this gave the USA an advantage that no other country enjoyed at that level. This profusion of natural resources led to a large-scale industrial development. New techniques meant that goods could be produced much more cheaply on a large scale which led to the production of masses of cheap goods which could be afforded by thousands of normal Americans. Mass production was pioneered by Henry Ford in 1913. He could not manufacture cars fast enough to keep up with demand and so he introduced the concept of an assembly line. As a result, one Model T could be produced every three minutes. Components were added as the car moved along and each worker did one specific job. By 1920, a car was produced every ten seconds and Ford realised that if cars could be produced more cheaply, more people would be able to buy them and as demand rose and the company sold more cars, he could make them even cheaper. Between 1908 and 1925, over 15 million Model T's were made and by the mid 1920s, one out of every two cars sold was a Model T. The cost of cars fell from $1200 to  £295 by 1928 which meant that even normal people could afford them. Henry Ford's mass-production techniques were taken up by other industries in America and the USA quickly became the most efficient producer in the world. The falling cost of each input offset the smaller profit margin because demand was stimulated. Employment prospects also improved with many people moving to live in the industrial cities and American industries saw huge profits and expanded enormously. However, mass production also meant that as the rich got richer, the poor got poorer. Mass production changed the fabric of American society forever. Social freedom was achieved and mass production bought an immense sense of liberty to the rural areas. Making cars affordable changed the face of America and it resulted in large scale urbanisation and the development of suburbs. It encouraged the building of roads, and the growing popularity of owning your own car made it easier to move around so people did not have to be within walking distance to work. The car contributed to the industrial boom of the 1920s by stimulating Mass Production :: Economics Mass Production Mass production is the manufacture of products of uniform quality in large quantities using a standardised mechanical process or assembly line. After a short post-war depression, the American economy grew rapidly in the early 1920s. By 1926, the standard of living in the USA was the highest it had ever been in the country's history and America was officially the richest nation in the world. Natural resources such as oil were abundant and this gave the USA an advantage that no other country enjoyed at that level. This profusion of natural resources led to a large-scale industrial development. New techniques meant that goods could be produced much more cheaply on a large scale which led to the production of masses of cheap goods which could be afforded by thousands of normal Americans. Mass production was pioneered by Henry Ford in 1913. He could not manufacture cars fast enough to keep up with demand and so he introduced the concept of an assembly line. As a result, one Model T could be produced every three minutes. Components were added as the car moved along and each worker did one specific job. By 1920, a car was produced every ten seconds and Ford realised that if cars could be produced more cheaply, more people would be able to buy them and as demand rose and the company sold more cars, he could make them even cheaper. Between 1908 and 1925, over 15 million Model T's were made and by the mid 1920s, one out of every two cars sold was a Model T. The cost of cars fell from $1200 to  £295 by 1928 which meant that even normal people could afford them. Henry Ford's mass-production techniques were taken up by other industries in America and the USA quickly became the most efficient producer in the world. The falling cost of each input offset the smaller profit margin because demand was stimulated. Employment prospects also improved with many people moving to live in the industrial cities and American industries saw huge profits and expanded enormously. However, mass production also meant that as the rich got richer, the poor got poorer. Mass production changed the fabric of American society forever. Social freedom was achieved and mass production bought an immense sense of liberty to the rural areas. Making cars affordable changed the face of America and it resulted in large scale urbanisation and the development of suburbs. It encouraged the building of roads, and the growing popularity of owning your own car made it easier to move around so people did not have to be within walking distance to work. The car contributed to the industrial boom of the 1920s by stimulating

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Prostitution Should be Legal on College Campuses :: Education Crime Prostitute Essays

Prostitution Should be Legal on College Campuses I am sure that there are some of you that are thinking, "Prostitution on college campuses, he can't be serious!?" but indeed I am. After all, how hard have you ever thought about the subject? Probably not much, if ever. I mean really, the most any typical guy usually thinks while walking across campus or at a party is geeze, I wish I could get to know her. Well, fortunately for you I am going to give you the low down as to why legalizing prostitution should be implemented on college campuses. I know most of you guys will agree, and possibly some girls, with what I have to say, but I'm sure there will be many critics opposing this change. However, with appropriate monitoring, I believe that State U. should legalize campus prostitution. First, I must say that I am not trying to create the impression in people's minds that I want to see young college students, especially women, roaming the campus streets trying to turn a trick. That would just be insane because that person could only end up getting hurt. What I am envisioning is an escort service. Girls and guys would be able to dial a number where they can acquire the company of someone for the evening. True identities of all parties involved would be concealed to respect privacy, and only ISU students would be allowed to use the service. This way, it would just be the college students, and not the community that would benefit from this service. One of the things that college students suffer from the most is stress, why else do they break the law and go out and get trashed from drinking each weekend? By getting overly stimulated by alcohol, they forget about the stressful week that they just endured. Sex could possibly become a substitute for this, therefore reducing the number of underage drinkers. After all, it has been proven that a little physical activity can rejuvenate the body and leave you feeling refreshed and energized; ready to take on new and challenging tasks. On the flip side though, it can be argued that some people might take advantage of the system and try to pay for sex when they are not truly stressed out. A person may simply want to have sex and making an appointment may possibly take away the service from someone who truly needs it.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Abbey Road and Beatles

The Beatles â€Å"There's nothing you can make that can't be made, No one you can save that can't be saved, nothing you can do but you can learn how to be you in time – it’s easy†, this quote is taken from the song all you need is love by The Beatles. The Beatle's started out as four normal people and then in the 1960 they all come as the group called the Beatles. The members of The Beatles were Paul Mccartney, John Lennon, Ringo Starr, and George Harrison. The Beatles are one of the most influential rock bands in history.Today we are going to look into the early years of the Beatles, the raising fame of the Beatles career and the end of the Beatles. How did the Beatles become a group? This is details about the early years of the Beatles. How did they become legendary? The Beatles were four normal people who meet each other day after day. It took a long period of time to change their name to the Beatles. The old names were Jonny and the Moondogs, and long john an d the beetles. The Beatles, they genuinely fitted and took over as the most commended rock star appreciated as the Beatles.The Beatles started in 1960 (Ktrek, 2005. ) This was a period where the Beatles comprised mostly their dance and pop music dating from 1963 through 1965 The Beatle’s raising fame. Next came the middle years where the Beatles experimented with sound and music and also developed rock music like never before, rock music beyond just dance music (Ktrek, 2005. ) The Beatles sound grew progressively with each album coming their way; culminating with many believes to be the masterpiece of rock music. They made many albums at this point like Rubber Soul in 1965, Revolver in 1966, and many more albums.The Beatles had their unbelievable end; leaving us with a message Let It Be, a song by the Beatles in 1970. They were on that final long and successful road. The Beatles were running out of ideas. Their song Abby Road is the best song of this period, but songs have th eir dull moment. The songs they did at this period were The White Album, Yellow submarine in 1969, and Hey Jude in 1970. â€Å"Hey Jude don’t make it bad, take a sad song it make it better†, this is quote from the song Hey Jude by the Beatles.The Beatles will never be the same as they were before but they have raising moments and have influence many people in the world. To their song Yesterday, to their song Rubber Soul, to their lasted song Let it be. What was your favorite song by the Beatles? What was your favorite period of music by the Beatles? They changed the sound of rock music leaving it with different sounds, and beats. â€Å"And in the love you take is equal to the love you make† that was a quote from the Beatles when they ended. (Ktrek, 2005)

Monday, September 16, 2019

Study Guide History 17b

History 17B-13 Second Midterm Study Guide This exam (November 1) will be closed book and closed note. Please bring a small bluebook or greenbook, a Scantron form #882E, #2 pencils, and pens. You will need to use pencils for the Scantron form and pens for the blue/greenbook. If you must write in pencil in the blue/greenbook, make sure it is dark and sharp enough to be read clearly. I will not allow any electronic devises to be visible during the exam.If I see one out in the classroom, you will flunk the exam. I strongly prefer that no one leave the room while they are still taking the exam. If you must, you will need to ask permission. Once you have completed the exam, turn it in and you may leave. Part I (50 points) In this section of the exam you will be given twenty-five true/false and multiple-choice questions based on the lectures only. These will only cover lectures SINCE the first midterm. Each answer is worth two points. Part II (50 points)In this section of the exam you will be given two of the following questions on the day of the exam and asked to write on only one of them. Your essay should be well developed, with an introduction that contains a precise thesis statement, an essay body that proves that thesis, and a conclusion that summarizes your argument and points out its historical significance. I expect the essays to be based on the lecture material. 1. The home front period of World War I and the year following the war (1917-1919) was marked by wide-scale patriotism, mass unity, and relative peace and calm.Write an essay that explores if and why the historical evidence supports or refutes that statement. 2. Many Americans in the mid-1920s could not have imagined in the near future an end to the economic prosperity, Republican dominance of national politics, and cultural conflict. Describe why they would have thought that why (that is, what were the 1920s like for each of these issues), how these issues were already changing prior to the Great De pression, and how and why the Great Depression fundamentally changed them. . After briefly describing how and why the Great Depression affected the United States, discuss how both Presidents Hoover and Roosevelt dealt with the Depression. Which approach proved more popular and effective and why. 4. Write an essay that addresses what the New Deal sought to accomplish. You will want to discuss what it broadly sought to do, and particularly how it addressed issues such as housing, workers, the elderly, and electrification. What is its legacy? . Why did the United States become involved in World War II? You will want to discuss both the issues drawing the United States into the European conflict and how it became involved with Japan in the Pacific. How did both the European and Pacific wars come to an end? Reading Quiz Attached to the exam will be a reading quiz, covering Beals through page 154. There will be twelve, multiple-choice and true/false questions. Answer them on the back of t he Scantron form.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Comparative Essay: Hamlet vs. King Lear Essay

King Lear and Hamlet are two of Shakespeare’s greatest tragedies where he has developed complex characters that create more problems for themselves as a result of their natures. Both Hamlet and King Lear are protagonists who believe that things around them should be inherently good at all times and that people’s motives and actions should always be truthful and fair. Nevertheless, within both novels we see different characteristics of these main characters as well that evidently separate them. Hamlet is a strong developed person who has difficulty coming to terms with any corrupt events that occur around him. He can be seen and noted as a very pessimistic and bitter minded individual; however, this attitude is mainly seen when he is attempting to suppress his hatred and fury towards the extreme events that have occurred in his life, this majorly referring to the death of his father. The greatest fatal flaw that he portrays within the entirety of the play would be over analyzing and over thinking every event that takes place in his place, regardless of the importance. For instance, in all of the soliloquies where Hamlet is speaking, he discusses and plots ideas involving avenging his father’s death; however, he has much delay when it comes to the murdering of his uncle. As a result of his faith in God, at one point he worried that if he had taken the life of his uncle whilst he was praying then his soul would be sent straight off to Heaven. This delayed him with acting upon his decision, and this is mainly as a result of the morals and beliefs that he has. The fatal flaw of over thinking in this situation obstructed his laid out path to the vengeance of his father’s life. Overanalyzing is also a key fatal flaw that is explored throughout the character of King Lear as well; however, in this circumstance, we see that after over thinking a situation, it is mainly his great pride that results in his downfall. King Lear ultimately wants to divide his kingdom up between his three daughters; however, in order to receive the greatest amount of land, King Lear decided that it would be just for each of his daughters to proclaim their love for their father. King Lear, being blinded by his own arrogance, did not see that his two oldest daughters directly lied to his face when proclaiming their devotion towards him. It was only his youngest daughter, Cordelia, who spoke to her father with complete honesty, even though it led to her banishment from the kingdom. The fundamental part of Lear’s error in judgment was that he only wanted to hear positive attributes about himself being exclaimed, and once he heard something remotely negative, he exploded with fury. He ends up giving away his land to his two eldest daughters, and later realizes that their intentions with it were completely selfish. We can see that King Lear, similar to Hamlet, did not see that people’s true intention could be so negative and demeaning. Especially from his own daughters he expected nothing but the purest of actions. His great pride overtook his whole mind and body, and as a result, Lear ended up within his own realm of madness, alone and fearful. Both of Shakespeare’s characters, King Lear and Hamlet, act in certain ways as a result of the world in which they find themselves placed in. This is mainly seen through King Lear, who starts off within the play as a character who requires constant attention and love, and later realizes that his blindness to the true intentions of his daughters is what led him to complete insanity and the loss of all feelings of pride. As a result of this, we notice that the age difference, and difference in generations in which King Lear and his daughters were raised in is what ultimately led to his blindness and the loss of all his possessions, for his daughters, Goneril and Regan, are directly opposed to any ideas of loyalty, authority, respect or order. With Hamlet, however, we see that the death of his father is one of the contributory factors that lead to the tragedies that followed along. Hamlet’s inherent tendency to overanalyze all situations that he is presented with is the biggest cause of his isolation and his removal from all reality by the end of the play. As a result of this, we see that Hamlet’s fatal flaw begins as something internal and carries out all throughout the play remaining untouched. Both characters, Hamlet and King Lear, possess characteristics and personality traits that lead them to their isolation and fear. Shakespeare brilliantly showed us that even a single fatal flaw within a character has the potential to ultimately lead them to extreme failure, and we see this characteristic especially within these two protagonists. Both of them started off inherently good, however, as a result of their failure to notice people’s ungrateful and selfish characteristics, they ended up with nothing.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Black People and Tone

Tone is the attitude a writer has about a topic. For example, a tone might be serious, sarcastic, respectful, or unsympathetic. A writer establishes tone through choice of words and details. Directions: Zora Neale Hurston creates a strong tone when she writes about race in this essay. In the second column of the chart, list key word choices and details from the essay that reflect her attitude for each topic. Describe her tone in the third column. Then answer the question that follows. Topic| Word Choices and Details| Tone| Growing up in a town with only African-Americans| She knew no other and just thought it was normal. Laid back,normal| White people visiting Eatonville| NorthernersWhites would just pass thru| Exciting, actors| The difference between Eatonville and Jacksonville| Eatonville was only blacks and Jacksonville was predominantly white with colors being a minority. | Solemn and lonely| The lasting effects of slavery in the United States| People reminding her that she is a granddaughter of slaves| Depressed | How African-Americans and white people respond differently to music| African-Americans feel more depth and soul. It is real they have lived it and white people look for more classical to relax and just enjoy. respectful| What is the overall tone of Hurston’s essay? What point does Hurston make by choosing this tone to discuss the subject of race? Is Hurston’s tone appropriate and effective for her topic? Explain. I believe her tone was excited about her younger years and the fun of just being a kid and knowing nothing about race or discrimination. Towards the end it became more solemn. But she was wrong by no means. Her talk and expression was regulated by her story telling. She only told about her situation and what she experienced. I really enjoyed it.

7 freedom fighter Essay

Netaji as he was called was a very prominent figure in the Indian freedom struggle. His sole aim was the freedom of his country and he termed it as a necessity and didn’t agree with Gandhiji on the terms that it can be negotiated. He was well educated and believed that there should be complete intolerance for caste-differentiation, racism or religious separation. His was so active in the Indian National Congress that he was arrested several times by the British Government. Soon he realised that international backing was a must for India’s freedom and hence started meeting leaders from Japan, Italy, and Germany who were against the British forces in the World War 2. He even met Mussolini and Hitler at different times. He was completely against the racism that The dictators propagated but he appreciated the discipline and unity of their men. It was on Hitler’s Suggestion that he went to Japan and formed the Indian National Army and started the Campaign ‘Chall o Dilli’ which though failed, wasn’t enough to break his spirit. The Slogan ‘Jai Hind’ was also given by him which still prevails. Bhagat Singh See more: Satirical essay about drugs A revolutionary who was brought up in the patriotic atmosphere, Shaheed Bhagat Singh, where Shaheed means ‘Martyr’, from a very young age all he ever dreamed was of seeing his country free. He met Rajguru and Sukhdev who shared his thoughts and together they fought several guerrilla wars fighting and revolting every British law that was against the civilians and also against the right of humanity. The Jallianwalla Baugh Massacre is one such example of the colonial inhumanity. He even blasted bombs inside the Assembly hall shouting slogans of ‘Inqualab Zindabad’( Independence Prevails) to revolt against two laws-â€Å"Trade Union Dispute Bill† and â€Å"Public Safety Bill†. All three were arrested and hanged to death. Their death, instead of silencing the people, actually acted as catalyst that ignited the fire within people as even while leaving all three kept uttering-â€Å" Sar Kata Sakte Hai mar, Sar Zhuka Sakte Nahi† ( We can have ou r heads chopped but not bowed). Chandrasekhar Azad Chandra Shekhar Azad pronunciation (help ·info) (23 July 1906 – 27 February 1931), popularly known as Azad (â€Å"The Liberated†), was an Indian revolutionary who reorganised the Hindustan Republican Association under the new name of Hindustan Socialist Republican Association (HSRA) after the death of its founder, Ram Prasad Bismil, and three other prominent party leaders, Roshan Singh, Rajendra Nath Lahiri and Ashfaqulla Khan. He is considered to be the mentor of Bhagat Singh and chief strategist of the HSRA.Ram prasad Bismil Ram Prasad Bismil Ram Prasad Bismil About this sound pronunciation (help ·info) (11 June 1897 – 19 December 1927) was an Indian revolutionary who participated in Mainpuri conspiracy of 1918, and the Kakori conspiracy of 1925, and struggled against British imperialism. As well as being a freedom fighter, he was also a patriotic poet and wrote in Hindi and Urdu using the pen names Ram, Agyat and Bismil. But, he became popular with the last name â€Å"Bismil† only. He was associated with Arya Samaj where he got inspiration from Satyarth Prakash, a book written by Swami Dayanand Saraswati. He also had a confidential connection with Lala Har Dayal through his guru Swami Somdev, a preacher of Arya Samaj. Bismil was one of the founder members of the revolutionary organisation Hindustan Republican Association. Bhagat Singh praised him[1][2] as a great poet-writer of Urdu and Hindi, who had also translated the books Catherine from English and Bolshevikon Ki Kartoot from Bengali. Several inspiring patriotic verses are attributed to him; these include the poem Sarfaroshi ki Tamanna, although that is sometimes also said to be the work of â€Å"Bismil† Azimabadi of Patna.Surya Sen Surya Sen (Bengali: à ¦ ¸Ã  §â€šÃ  ¦ °Ã  § Ã  ¦ ¯ à ¦ ¸Ã  §â€¡Ã  ¦ ¨) (22 March 1894 – 12 January 1934) was a Bengali independence fighter (against British rule) who is noted for leading the 1930 Chittagong armoury raid In Chittagong of Bengal in British India (now in Bangladesh). Sen was a school teacher by profession and was popularly called as Master Da (â€Å"da† is a suffix in Bengali language denoting elder brother). He was influenced by the nationalist ideals in 1916, when he was a student of B.A. in Behrampore College.[1] In 1918 he was selected as president of Indian National Congress, Chittagong branch. Madan Lal Dhingra Madan Lal Dhingra (1883–1909) was an Indian revolutionary freedom fighter.[1] While studying in England, he assassinated Sir William Hutt Curzon Wyllie,[2] a British official, hailed Early life  Dhingra Studied at Amritsar in MB Intermediate college up-till 1900 and then went to Lahore to study in Government College Lahore. In 1904 he led a student protest against the principal’s order to have college blazer made out of imported cloth from England. He was thrown out of college. At that time he was Student of Masters of Art. He was under the influence of Nationalist Movement of Swadeshi. He deeply studied the literature concerning the cause of Indian Poverty and famines, as solution to these problems Swaraj and Swadeshi became key issues. Then Dhingra had to work as a clerk, at Kalka in A Tonga Service being run for British family’s transport to Shimla Tonga (horse-driven cart) puller, and a factory labourer. Dhingra attempted to organise a union there, but was sacked. He worked for sometime in Mumbai, before acting upon the advice of his elder brother Dr Bihari Lal and going to England for higher studies. In 1906, Madan Lal departed for England to enroll at University College, London, to study Mechanical Engineering. He was supported by his elder brother and some nationalist activists in England. Udham Singh Udham Singh (26 December 1899 – 31 July 1940) was an Indian revolutionary, best known for assassinating Michael O’Dwyer on 13 March 1940 in what has been described as an avenging of the Jallianwalla Bagh Massacre.[1] Singh is a prominent figure of the Indian independence struggle. He is sometimes referred to as Shaheed-i-Azam Sardar Udham Singh (the expression â€Å"Shaheed-i-Azam,† Urdu: Ø ´Ã™â€¡Ã›Å'Ø ¯ Ø §Ã˜ ¹Ã˜ ¸Ã™â€¦Ã¢â‚¬Å½, means â€Å"the great martyr†). Early life Singh was born Sher Singh on 26 December 1899, at Sunam in the Sangrur district of Punjab, India, to a Kamboj Sikh farming family. His father, Sardar Tehal Singh Jammu (known as Chuhar Singh before taking the Amrit), was a railway crossing watchman in the village of Upalli. His mother died in 1901, and his father in 1907.[2] After his father’s death, Singh and his elder brother, Mukta Singh, were taken in by the Central Khalsa Orphanage Putlighar in Amritsar. At the orphanage, Singh was administered the Sikh initiatory rites and received the name of Udham Singh. He passed his matriculation examination in 1918 and left the orphanage in 1919.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Arts and Politics - China, Germany, and the Soviet Union Essay

Arts and Politics - China, Germany, and the Soviet Union - Essay Example China, Germany, and the Soviet Union have been used as the target examples. This end of the article analyses the three choices, looks at their relationship and the reason as to why they were chosen as great choices for this report. In the 19th century, the Russian Tsars were clear in their articulation that revolutions stood in the offing, in the presence if outstanding masterpieces. There are situations in Russia where great artists of various forms were regarded as a threat to the government’ existence through their works of art. Pushkin, for example, as a great author who could express his thoughts in an articulate manner that was deemed as arrogant, with some freedom that made him make fun of official figures. His work, as per the governments, would rather have been used in public service. Art and politics have been closely related from past to present. There are some aspects that clearly point out the relationship between the two. The institutions of art, schemes in ideol ogy and some artists’ political dominance are just but a few. Over years, some authorities have tried to impose controls on ideologies in order to tame artists. Other governments have even attempted to thwart the freedom of expression as rolled out by artists. In China, the communist party pushed at gaining legitimacy in order to win cooperation from artists. The party tried to woo the artists to join in socialist constructions. The Chinese movements and the various notable interactions between the governments and artists place the country as one worthy of analysis for the purpose of this research. The artistic influence has grown in stages in China, with a recent period starting in the 1980’s after Mao’s death. This is a period that saw individual subjectivity on the rise and artists expressing themselves in minimal social reform. Germany has had its issues in the interactions between arts and politics as well. There were early attacks by the government to the artists, some of which indicate the magnitude that the artists had on the political arena. A good situation is in the 1940s when the national socialists banned all art that was in existence prior to 1933. There are examples of artists being forced to join certain groups, with those who refused being frustrated with professional dismissals. Looking at the mentioned issues, their effects and the reasons that led to their occurrence, art is an indispensable weapon in politics despite its autonomy, there is some coexistence that cannot be refuted. Looking at the Soviet Union, there is some inseparability between art and politics. According to Fox (1977), aesthetics and the style of art are led by the political exigencies. The politics of the day in the USSR dictate the Russian art. The styles of art in this country follow the trends that are in accord with the government. The links between art and politics in the Soviet can be traced from Karl Marx to Frederick Engels who asserted the i mportance of realistic representations to the state. The three countries have been able to showcase the tight bond between art and politics clearly as outlined b the examples stated above. A distinct relation is first evident in the manner in which the government controls the works of art. This may be represented vaguely, but political icons have treated artists with great suspicion from the word go, in all situations. In the USSR, the government dictated the styles; in Germany, the â€Å"degenerate art† exhibition indicated the government’s perception towards art and culture. In China, the government literally controlled the artistic movements.     

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Prosecutorial Misconduct Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Prosecutorial Misconduct - Research Paper Example Then, in the proceedings of the case, a prosecutor presents legal facts to the judge aimed at convincing him or her to prove the guilty of the suspect (Lawless, 2008). In a court case, therefore, the prosecutor ought to apply some professional moral codes in his/her course of prosecutions. Sometimes, the prosecutors can fail to reveal evidence that proves the suspects’ innocence since their motives are always to convict the suspects. Prosecutorial misconduct has been witnessed in many cases where the suspects who are innocent serve sentences in prison whereas the guilty ones are left free. Prosecutors should be charged in law courts in case they act inappropriately like when they are discovered harassing the defendant. In case the defendant is mistreated by the prosecutor in or outside the courtroom, he or she can seek disciplinary action or file a civil suit against the prosecutor. In a court case, the trials against the suspect can be politically motivated and this means that, consideration of such misconducts is important in order to find justice in that case (Siegel, 2010). Prosecutorial conducts can arise from misconducts in the courtroom, failure to reveal the evidence that favors the defendant and harassment of the defendant. These behaviors ought to be stopped since many innocent persons have served imprisonments supposed to be served by others. The criminal justice system ought to put in place some measures to curb such misconducts because they not only oppress the victims but also contributes to the loss of public confidence in the judiciary system (Lawless, 2008). Imagine a businessman convicted of murdering his wife and the judge passes 20 years sentence in jail. After 15 years, police investigation reports are revealed showing that the DNA tests of bloody clothing found on the crime scene matches with another man serving life imprisonment for other murder cases. In such a case, it seems that, either the prosecutor failed

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Capital Budgeting. Payback Period. NPV Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Capital Budgeting. Payback Period. NPV - Essay Example Another reason why these decisions are so important is that these decisions involve a large outlay of funds. Therefore, it is necessary that these decisions are taken with due diligence. These decisions cannot be reversed at a low cost. So, any mistake made is very costly to the firm. The capital budgeting process that a manager uses depends on a few factors such as the manager’s level in the organisation and the size of the project and the organization. The following steps are the typical steps followed by most managers. Step One: Generating Ideas Coming up with good investment ideas is the most important step in the capital budgeting process. Good ideas can come from anywhere in the organisation. It can come from managers from any level or from any department in the organisation or even from outside the organisation. Step Two: Analysing Individual Proposals This process involves collecting all the information to forecast the cash flows for each project and evaluating the pro fitability of each project. Step Three: Planning the Capital Budget Now the company has to organise the projects that are profitable so that they fit within the company’s overall strategy. Step Four: Monitoring and Post-auditing In post-auditing, the actual results are compared with the predicted results and the differences are explained. Post-auditing helps monitor the forecast, improve business operations and generate ideas for future investments. 2. Memo to Assertive Al One of the main drawbacks of using the payback method is that it does not take time value of money into account. For example a cash inflow of $2 million in the third year of the project is going to be less today. It also ignores all the cash flows beyond the end of the payback period. This can present a critical problem for the firm as some projects give higher cash inflows in later years (after the cut-off date). Discounted payback method can to some extent overcome the drawbacks of the payback method as i t considers time value of money into account. In a discounted payback period, the future expected cash flows are discounted by the project’s cost of capital. By discounting expected cash flows through the cost of capital, the discounted payback method considers the riskiness of the project into account. Similar to the drawback of payback method, the discounted payback method also does not consider cash flows after the discounted payback period. As there are flaws in the payback methods, these methods cannot be considered as most reliable in evaluating future projects. Hence in order to be more effective in evaluating projects, Net Present Value method is considered to be the most reliable and effective method in evaluating future projects. Unlike the payback methods, the Net Present Value method does take distant future cash flows into account (after the cut-off payback period). NPV rule is important as it takes time value of money into account as a dollar today is worth more than a dollar tomorrow, the reason being that the dollar today can be invested immediately to start earning interest. NPV also eliminates the time element in evaluating projects, as some projects start earning positive cash flows after a long period and the payback methods are not viable in evaluating such projects. 3. NPV Managers want to know more about a project than just its NPV because the NPV method also has certain drawbacks. The major drawback of the NPV method is that

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Health Care Provider and Faith Diversity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Health Care Provider and Faith Diversity - Essay Example The most important element to point out is that every kind of faith is very critical in relations to spiritual perceptive and healing process especially when nursing caregiver is completely from a different faith. However, much has been linked to Christian philosophy and faith of healing. According to Kliewer & Saultz (2006), nursing and healthcare service is one of the most critical professions that call for a response of diversity from both cultural aspects and religious concepts of life. In the past, nursing care practices has made recommendable achievements in bridging the gap between religious practices and patients care in the healthcare industry. As such, there are concerns to carry out an evaluation on the importance of healthcare diversity because some religious faiths believe that healthcare practices interfere with their faith in God while others accept healthcare practices as an activity ordained by God to inspire positive health of the believers. As a healthcare provider, there is a need to assimilate healthcare diversity that embraces religious inclusion into the service centers because it would help to prevent the believers from feeling isolated. The above approach is quite important since it integrates well with faith and spiritual philosophy with lon g-term healthcare effects across denominations. A practical approach can best be illustrated through Baha’i, Buddhism and Sikhism amongst other religious denominations. The Baha’i religion forms the youngest faith of independent believers across the world. The above religion was founded by Prophet Baha’u’llah who has gained recognition by the believers as an anointed prophet of God. Baha’i religion respects humanity and a perception that all mankind is of one biological and spiritually unity. Baha’i teachings are streamlined towards morals and benevolent of the society. Besides, the religion denounces any act of slavery while encouraging equity of gender with only one wife in

Monday, September 9, 2019

Modernizing Rulers in the Middle East Assignment

Modernizing Rulers in the Middle East - Assignment Example Ataturk was a well-known military man. His victories and losses defined his role as a leader. While Reza Shah was in the military, the people did not gain trust in him due to the lack of victories and losses in actual battle. Since Ataturk was respected more, he could implement the changes and secularization of his country. Reza Shah had to fight for secularization and eventually back down to the pressure from the Shi’ite faction. Although it might seem that Reza Shah was not as successful as Ataturk, the two men faced different problems. Ataturk unified Turkey as Turkish. Reza Shah had to deal with many different tribes, religious leaders, and other factions. Ataturk did not face the severe opposition as Reza Shah. Ataturk did face opposition; however he managed to unite the Turkish people with a sense of nationalism. Reza Shah did not inspire the same nationalism within his people. Ataturk created a government that would not be successor based. Reza Shah’s son succeeded his father. Ataturk’s government had a solid base of elections and fundamental principles. He wanted to create a government, but one that could go on without him. Reza Shah, on the other hand, wanted to create his own personal goals of government with him as the center. That was the main difference between the two men. Ataturk created a secular government that lasted, whereas Reza Shah created one that was not as

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Reformers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Reformers - Essay Example ed as this groups perception of government leadership as corrupt and without a reasonable desire to build a system of justice that best served the American people. Those reformers who took active stands against corrupt leadership were largely from the middle class, though there were others of higher economic influence who also believed that 19th Century America deserved a better system of leadership at the capital. Most noticeable in the reformer movement was the acknowledgement that women should be considered as sentient, godly people and should thus be given the right to vote and extended certain freedoms. This movement was later referred to as the womens suffrage movement (LaPlante, 1999). The suffrage movement involved standing up for the rights of women and extending many of the same opportunities that the men of that age experienced. Along with the womens issues, the abolition of slavery was also a hotly debated topic at this time, especially with pressures from the southern states being imposed to expand and maintain slave presence in this region of the country. Citing religious doctrines, many of the social reformers who were wholly against slavery began to speak out about its atrocities from the eyes of the Christian god (LaPlante). Combining both of these strong reformer belief systems was Sojourner Truth, who had been born into slavery during the first half of the 19th Century, and through perseverance, became one of the foremost women leaders both in relation to womens suffrage and the abolition of slavery. During her long voyage toward improving the rights of women and slaves, Truth managed to bring about social awareness of the issues facing women of that time, while also raising money to help black soldiers who were fighting in the Civil War (, 2001). Sojourner Truth maintained some rather obtuse religious beliefs as well, befriending a religious sect similar to that of the Quakers, where communication with living spirits was a

Saturday, September 7, 2019

The immortal part by Housman Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The immortal part by Housman - Essay Example Housman & Irwin’s argument in this poem regards human bones as being immortal, which is contrary to the obvious notion. He skillfully states diverse aspects, for instance, mind and soul with a clear elaboration meant to convince his readers to perceive what he deems is immortal. Besides, he also utilizes pessimism to draw his audience to accept his perception (Housman & Irwin 60). This is evident from his expertise of employing high clichà © introduction then skillfully overturns the entire argument thus managing to entangle the reader’s mind (Housman & Irwin 59). Therefore, this leaves one doubting and questioning the already known notion about immortality. His vivid elaboration coupled with sheer comparison with diverse aspects, which comprises human existence aids him to grasp reader’s attention to extend of some believing him. According to him, bones bear immortality that has no comparison with even former esteemed life’s immortal aspects. He states, â€Å"Of dying flesh and dying soul (16)† where according to him the latter’s (soul) existence is

Friday, September 6, 2019

Technology in Sports Essay Example for Free

Technology in Sports Essay Technology in sports has been a calling topic for sometime. When will the technology get us at our least expected moment? With the resources we have today supporting each and every game why can’t the process be sped up. Technology in sports is essential to the day and age of performance for athletes. With it making the game easier to play for some individuals with disabilities is huge help. With making the People perform as well as others. Without technology in sports, the games wouldn’t be enjoyed as well as they are. Technology in most professional sports has been using instant replay to assist the referees and umpires. Football has been using instant replay for any certain occasion and basketball referees use the instant replays to make sure the time is right for each game. Disputed plays in professional sports have made fans go insane for yeas. Now with the technology, different sports are engaging in the instant replay such as soccer with the goal line technology. When getting the wrong decision by the referees they need something to determine the right factor. Some people have there other side to instant replay; HD replay serves as a judge to the most of the sports referees such as baseball and basketball. With more television coverage to capture more images to overturn a certain play, people will be enjoying more of the game rather than arguing with each other. Now with YouTube and other video websites, it makes it easier for fans to criticize the league or umpires, an embarrassing fact. â€Å"Bad Calls don’t blow games, only bad plays† (Sharp 2009) coming from Drew Sharp a sports writer for the USA Today. He is saying that pointing the finger at someone else not on the playing field will not help out any of the sports. The public harping on the referees to make better calls is just at its own judgment for the leagues. â€Å"Ask any coach and he’ll tell you–never put yourself at the mercy of an official’s error† (Sharp 2009). Replays blow a lot of games and makes life or death for any sports team (Sharp 2009). Sports technology is getting factored into so many different sports and one of the biggest sporting events every two years is the Olympics. Advances in the each one of the sports that is held in the Olympics, like how the tennis racket is constructed or in 2016 when golf will debut in the Olympics they will either have to decide if the USGA or R and A will be determining the clubs allowed to be used or what type of golf balls will be used, each golf brand has over twenty different specs for each ball or club, some legal and some not. This could be a cause for some athletes to get a head of the other competitors. The Olympic committee is investigating on weather to allow the technological advances that the modern amateur player is getting (Tenaska 2013). When the new athletes are coming from the bottom with the highest technological advanced gear and not being able to use it in the Olympics, such as a new bike frame will be 25% percent lighter than the older one. How will the Olympic committee determine it? (Tenaska 2013) Testing in sports has always been looked at for statistics and features not seen by the average person. Putting athletes on a computer and showing their results on a computer screen rather than a field changes a lot of perspectives toward an individual. The IT process of technology with sports determines the tests and the essential element of resources demanded for the technology to rise. Computer technology has dealt with change for any sport that’s looking for a technological advance. With out computers the sports industry would have a hard time developing new ideas and equipment to make the sport either easier or harder to play. (IT Sports Journal) With involving computers in technology, The Tampa Bay Buccaneers are picking up on the technology end. They are not taking break on or off the practice field. The organization purchased iPads to use instead of their standard playbook. They no longer to need luge around a paper binder or DVDs to practice or home since the iPad has all of the software on it. While the NFL still has restrictions on how tablets can be use, these devices are changing the way the pro teams practice and communicate. General Manager Mark Dominik says â€Å"It was a smashing success for our players. They Loved it,† â€Å"We’re going green† While the technology is evolving for professional sports team. The Bucs and Ravens are the only teams with this technology in the NFL to have these capabilities with computer tablets. The coaches from the Bucs say they believe it has helped their study habits for learning plays, plus the overall motivation shown just by giving them a little of technology (Couwels 2011). The Australian race has always a top-performing nation around the world. Despite having a smaller population, Australians love to be outdoors and can be set up to be great athletes and dominate their favorite sports. The coaches trained Australian athletes in the later part of the 20th century, now athletes can be put on a computer and given an analysis to show how well they are performing. With technology advancing, the coach’s job is getting very easy as in goes on. Besides giving the mental game back to the athlete the coaching is just by analyzing stats. Each study is designed to look at different aspects of the athlete and give them feedback on how well they are performing. (James) Through out the history of sports technology it has been an aspect to the athletes. A few historical events in sports history have made the outcomes of todays sports a lot easier to judge and easier to participate in. In 1888 the first photo finish was introduced and changed the judging of the finish line in a race or any sporting event dealing with time (Boston Globe 2013). Electric Scoring in 1936 was an automated officiating for fencing judges and detecting the most accurate touches by a split second (Boston Globe 2013). A huge interesting fact was in 1957 a Michigan physics professor developed touch pads for swimming used for times and lapping. The most accurate technology ever to be put in swimming and still used today (Boston Globe 2013). These types of technology have been an impact on everyone in the sports world. Including more and more technological advances to be determined by the future of our society. Athletes today are getting the full research and statistics for their lives as high performing athlete. With eating better and the right workouts they’re getting stronger and performing at a higher rate of fire. The gear the athlete’s use is constantly getting better and the old records that were set back in the day is getting broken. Cycling, tennis and swimming are a top three where technology is advancing. Cycling, includes lighter bikes and easier to get up tougher terrain in the mountains that professional bikers are competing on. Swimmers are using computer forensics and getting better feedback on how they are performing in the pool. Tennis is the biggest aspect of technology advancing with the racket or the ball getting lighter to get it moving at higher speeds. The average for the tennis ball speed at the ATP is over 120 mph (Bulchadani 2011). This comes from a long way from the early days with out research or technology to make tennis more fun to watch and perform at a higher level. (Bulchadani 2011) In the 1970’s wood bats were getting out dated, and the baseball world wanted more action out of it. Showing how technology was advancing and more people were interested in the research of the baseball bat. The aluminum baseball bat averaged 3. 85 mph faster. The study was conducted from six highly skilled college baseball players. They hit more than a dozen batting practice sessions. Each individual hit five balls and switched bats. The average ball speed for line drives was 56. 6 mph. (Russell 2006) Each player collected 30 line drives and the line average line drive speed for wood bat was 88. 7 and the aluminum bat was 92. 5 mph. (Russell 2006) The performance metric from the each of these tests was shown that it is a four mph difference between the bats. A study was done in 1989 with a stationary test (no swing) and it showed that wood and aluminum bats were the same, but did not bring into the effect of the velocity of the hitter swinging the bat (Russell 2006). With the results generated from these two studies it shows that metal bats do out perform wood bats. Though with the controversy the Major League Baseball has kept the wood bats in order to keep the safety protocol. With injuries and players breaking records to easily they will protect the game for a long period of time (Russell 2006) (Crisco-Greenwald Batting Cage study 2002). Sports technology shows that we are in another world for sports revolution, not just on professional athletes and trainers but on the technology used in equipment, facilities, judging and recording devices (Smith 2012). The new technology includes golf balls and clubs, soccer balls, shoes, racecars and many more. Technology also uses a different in approach of training, tests that determine muscle fibers and the strengths and weaknesses of the body all put on one little computer screen. The diet of an athlete is carefully examined and the nature of the game is still kept in tact. Giving thanks to technology more and more people are enabled to play many sports than ever before. Technology involves a lot of research and time. With out sports technology some sports may have never been evolved such as golf with the evolving clubs and baseball with the research of metal bats. With the resources given to use we should se more technological advances in this day and age. Sports Technology has been constantly getting better and knowing the differences between each sport and how they perform will distinguish the manner it will be investigated in. The technology advanced into research will become a higher part of the resources used to make sports better.